Seglingsloggen 24/1

LOGG 120124

Position : La Gomera

Spead: Half a knot

Course: 280 degrees

Time to destination: 16 hours

Weather: Sunny but few clouds with showers at La Gomera

Today it’s been a beautiful day!

The crew and students were happy when we saw the dolphins splashing about  a few metres from the boat while we were putting up the sail it was a beautiful sight on our way to La gomera.  On the night watch we saw the plankton glittering alongside the boat while the sound of the wind hit the sails. The next morning involved waking up early for breakfast while others were still on watch. Waking up to the sight of the islands was an amazing experience with the cliffs rising up from the rough sea.  When we came into port we got ourselves ready to go into the local town and eat out at a little restaurant with a few of our new friends. When we came back the sun was setting down ‘Trashy’ (Pontus) was trying out his new fishing gear but couldn’t catch anything.

During my night watch I (Nicole) was able to have a go at steering the boat at the helm and also helped with putting up the sails in the dark.  As a group we have been taught to tie various knots by the crew and some of the Swedish students. The food here is great and freshly cooked every day, especially the potatoes which were pealed by master chef Ryan Hardy. We have all been very good and not been sea sick just yet. The experience here has been great and I feel that it has pre pared me even more for university as I now have the confidence to talk to others even with a language barrier. So far it has been an amazing experience and am really looking forward to the rest of the week.

Nicole Usher & Robin Eurenius


Besättnings logg  2012-01-24

Position: Väl förtöjda i Puerto de Valle Gran Rey  La Gomera
Efter avg. Santa Cruz de tenerife de 23/1
Kurs: Mot La Gomera
Vind: Varierande riktning  2-3 m/s
Fart: 4-5 kn med motor och segel
Väder: Soligt med någon lätt regnskur på eftermiddagen. +20grader

Vi lämnade Santa Cruz vid 19 tiden i går kväll och satte segel direkt utan för piren ,stagfock och mesan. Under natten har segelsättningen varierats i ett försök att fånga den svaga vind som förekommit.  Avsaknaden vind och sjö har i alla fall givit de nya eleverna en chans att under lugna förhållanden i nattens mörker sätta sig in i riggens, seglingens och styrandets mystik. Vid 13 tiden bärgades segel och fartyget klargjordes för förtöjning.  Vi var förtöjda i Puerto Valle Gran Ray vid 1400, kl 1445 får eleverna gå iland efter det håller kapten ett kort möte med lärare och besättning där han informerar om bla. en nyinrättad rutin där skepparn bjuder in elever  till "afternoon tea" i salongen ,en mycket uppskattad rutin.
 Vakt havande elever och vakthavande styrman har just gått på sin hamnvakt.  Allt väl ombord.

Håkan Almstedt

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