Seglingsloggen 26/1


Jessika Lillqvist, Fredrik Lokèn

La Palma

Sunny with some cloweds in the sky and a bit windy



Today we have been saling towards La Palma. It was very unsteady because we were breaking trough waves. Most of the peoples from Liverpool were getting sea-sick and were mostly on deck so that they could puke in the water. It was really funny because later at 14.30 Robin Eurenius, me (Jessika Lillqvist) and the people from Liverpool hade been invited to afternoon tea in the aft saloon. Two of them were really sea sick so they were closes to the door and ran as fast as they could to the deck to puke. It was pretty hilarius because the rest of the Liverpool people were joking around about it and i was laughing very hard. But it wasnt only the Liverpool people who got abit sea-sick. Even in our clas we got a victum. Christoffer Zar was one of them who puked overboard.

The rest of the clas were sunbathing on deck and Sebastian Tjällden got to much of the sun on his face, so now he looks like a stop light because he is so red on his face.

We also started with lessons on the boat. The lessons we had were PE theory and VHF theory with Bengt and Erik (Stekarn). It was really hard for us to stay awake because the sleeping rutine were really mixed up now and with a boat almost rocking us to sleep, it was a pain to keep your eyes open. Hopefully we will get enough sleep tonight.


And today our captain Gunnar turned 60 years old so we hade a fest there we ate cake and sang happy birthday to him. We sang the swedish birthday song so the Liverpoolers couldnt really join in but i could see that they tried. At the end when we sing "hurra hurra hurra" They were abit shocked that there was so much power in it.


Right now we are docked at a harbor on La Palma. Everybody is abit relived that its finally steady, and now most of us will be heading out to the city here on La Palma.

Tonight is also the last night for the Liverpoolers. They will be leaving us early in the morning so we really hope that they hade a good time with us and will reamember this trip as all of us will.



We wish you a good night and a goodnight sleep.


Best of wishes from Fredrik Lokèn and Jessika Lillqvist. 




Denna morgan har vi lämnat, vad som enligt mig är den finaste av öarna bland Kanarieöarna, La Gomera bakom oss och lagt kurs mot La Palma. Olyckligtvis var vindarna av sådan karaktär att det var omöjligt för oss att segla under en ganska lång tid. Efter lunch hade förhållandena ändrats och vi kunde gå under segel den sista sträckan till La Palma. En del av studenterna blev lite sjösjuka, jag tyckte det var lite tråkigt för dem, men till syvende och sist hade vi trots allt en trevlig överfart.


Idag har vår Kapten firat sin sextionde födelsedag. Några i besättningen bjöd in allihop till tårta och ett hip hip hurra. Jag, lättmatros, ombord och andre styrman fick kalasa på bryggan istället. Idag har Kapten även bjudit in några av eleverna, till vad vi ombord kallar ”Captains teaparty”. Efter vad jag har hört var det en angenäm tillställning.


Som ni kanske alla vet, har vi haft några engelska elever och deras lärare med oss ombord de senaste fem dagarna. Dessa dagar är nu tillända och det är tråkigt att behöva meddela er att våra nya vänner och gäster från Liverpool kommer att mönstra av i morgon bitti. Det har varit ett nöje att ha dessa trevliga och artiga ungdomar bland oss på båten och det kommer att bli tomt utan dem.



Hälsningar Petra Nyberg, lättmatros S/Y Älva.

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